Darvas, Ferenc


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Darvas, F.

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Search Results1-5 of 5

  • Flow chemistry

    edited by Ferenc Darvas ... [et al.]

    De Gruyter c2021 2nd ed De Gruyter graduate

    v. 2

    Available at 2 libraries

  • Flow chemistry

    edited by Ferenc Darvas ... [et al.]

    De Gruyter c2021 2nd ed De Gruyter graduate

    v. 1

    Available at 2 libraries

  • 有機合成のためのフロー化学

    F.Darvas, G.Dormán, V.Hessel編 ; 小林修, 小野澤俊也編著

    東京化学同人 2020.3

    Available at 124 libraries

  • Flow chemistry

    edited by Ferenc Darvas, Volker Hessel, György Dorman

    De Gruyter c2014 De Gruyter graduate

    v. 1 , v. 2

    Available at 3 libraries

  • Chemical genomics and proteomics

    edited by Ferenc Darvas, András Guttman, György Dormán

    CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group c2013 2nd ed

    : hardback

    Available at 1 libraries

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