Leeds, Michael (Michael A.)
リーズ, マイケル A.(リーズ, マイケル A.)
Leeds, Michael Aaron
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Michael A. Leeds, Peter von Allmen and Victor A. Matheson
Routledge 2024, c2023 7th ed, international student ed
: pbk
Available at 4 libraries
Routledge 2023 7th ed
: hbk
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Routledge 2018 6th ed
Available at 7 libraries
Michael A. Leeds, Peter Von Allmen and Victor A. Matheson
Routledge 2018 6th ed., international studend ed
Available at 8 libraries
edited by Eva Marikova Leeds, Michael A. Leeds
Edward Elgar c2013
: [pbk.]
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マイケル・A・リーズ, ピーター・フォン・アルメン著 ; 佐々木勉訳
中央経済社 2012.8
Available at 208 libraries
Michael A. Leeds, Peter von Allmen, Richard C. Schiming
Pearson Addison-Wesley c2006 Addison-Wesley series in economics
: Pearson international ed