Vanoppen, Brecht

検索結果11件中 1-11 を表示

  • Hercules to Olympus

    by Elizabeth McGrath ... [et al.]

    Harvey Miller c2022 Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard pt. 11(2) Mythological subjects

    v. 2 Illustrations


  • Hercules to Olympus

    by Elizabeth McGrath ... [et al.]

    Harvey Miller c2022 Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard pt. 11(2) Mythological subjects

    v. 1 Text


  • Rubens's house

    by Nora de Poorter and Frans Baudouin ; [translated form the Dutch by Jantien Black and Lee Preedy (Chapter V-VIII) ; edited by Arnout Balis, Brecht Vanoppen, Isabelle Van Tichelen, Marieke D'Hooghe and Joannes van den Maagdenberg ; Valerie Herremans (Images)]

    Harvey Miller c2022 Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard pt. 22(2) . Architecture and sculpture

    v. 2 Appendices & illustrations


  • Rubens's house

    by Nora de Poorter and Frans Baudouin ; [translated form the Dutch by Jantien Black and Lee Preedy (Chapter V-VIII) ; edited by Arnout Balis, Brecht Vanoppen, Isabelle Van Tichelen, Marieke D'Hooghe and Joannes van den Maagdenberg ; Valerie Herremans (Images)]

    Harvey Miller c2022 Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard pt. 22(2) . Architecture and sculpture

    v. 1 Text


  • Anatomical studies

    by Michael W. Kwakkelstein ; edited by Nils Büttner and Brecht Vanoppen ; [written in English and revised by Jenefer Boyle]

    Harvey Miller c2021 Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard pt. 20 . Rubens : study heads and anatomical studies ; 1


  • Study heads

    by Nico van Hout ; edited by Bert Schepers and Brecht Vanoppen ; [translated from Dutch by Michael Hoyle ; with additional translations by Fiona Healy and Elizabeth McGrath]

    Harvey Miller c2020 Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard pt. 20 . Rubens : study heads and anatomical studies ; 2

    v. 2. illustrations


  • Study heads

    by Nico van Hout ; edited by Bert Schepers and Brecht Vanoppen ; [translated from Dutch by Michael Hoyle ; with additional translations by Fiona Healy and Elizabeth McGrath]

    Harvey Miller c2020 Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard pt. 20 . Rubens : study heads and anatomical studies ; 2

    v. 1. text


  • Rubens : genre scenes

    by Nils Büttner ; [edited by Bert Schepers ; with the assistance of Brecht Vanoppen, Elise Boutsen and Laura D'Hoore]

    Harvey Miller c2019 Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard pt. 17


  • Rubens : architectural sculpture

    by Valerie Herremans ; [essay translated form the Dutch by Ted Alkins ; catalogue translated from the Dutch by Ted Alkins and Irene Schaudies ; edited by Brecht Vanoppen and Arnout Balis]

    Harvey Miller c2019 Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard pt. 22 . Architecture and sculpture ; 4


  • Rubens : allegories and subjects from literature

    by Nils Büttner ; [edited by Bert Schepers and Brecht Vanoppen ; with the assistance of Isabelle Van Tichelen ... et al. ; translated from German by Michael Foster, Lance Anderson and Orla Ambrose]

    Harvey Miller Publishers c2018 Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard pt. 12

    : set , v. 1 , v. 2


  • Rubens : portraits after existing prototypes

    by Koenraad Jonckheere ; [translated from Dutch by Katy Kist and Jennifer Kilian ; edited by Marlise Rijks ... et al.]

    H. Miller c2016 Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard pt. 19 (4)

