Kobe University Library for Social Sciences
Using the Library
閲覧利用 担当係: 社会科学系情報サービス係
開館時間: 平日8:45-20:00 / 土日11:00-17:00
休館日: 毎月:祝日・年末年始・夏季一斉休業日・その他臨時休館日
複写受付時間: 平日のみ 9:00〜16:30 (セルフ式は開館時間内利用可)
注意事項: 原則として事前に、ご所属の大学等各研究機関の図書館または公共図書館を通じてお問い合せ下さい。ご来館時には必ず身分証をご持参下さい。テスト期間等繁忙期はご利用をお断りする場合があります。マイクロ資料・学位論文等の利用は平日のみ16:30まで。貴重書庫所在の資料は閲覧許可が必要ですので、事前にお問い合わせください。
URL: OPAC: http://op.lib.kobe-u.ac.jp/opac/opac_search.cgi
URL: 学外の方へ: https://lib.kobe-u.ac.jp/userguides-en/visitors-en/
URL: English: https://lib.kobe-u.ac.jp/libraries/list-en/shakai-en/
ILL-Staff: Ryo Sakuwa
ILL-Dept: Information Service Section
ILL-Org: Kobe University Library for Social Sciences
ILL-Address: 2-1 Rokkodai-cho, Nada-ku Kobe, Japan
ILL-ZIP: 657-8501
ILL-Contact1: TEL:+81-78-803-7339 / FAX:+81-78-803-7343 / EMAIL:shakei-servicelib.kobe-u.ac.jp
ILL-Contact2: Online catalogue:http://op.lib.kobe-u.ac.jp/opac/opac_search.cgi?lang=1
ILL-Calender: Closed: Dec 28-Jan 4
ILL-Accept: International: LOAN Yes (Traceable courier with insurance Only)
ILL-Accept: International: COPY Yes
ILL-Acceptmethod: International: E-mail
ILL-Paymentmethod: International: Invoice N/A
ILL-Paymentmethod: International: IFLA Voucher Yes
ILL-Paymentmethod: International: Credit Card N/A
ILL-Paymentmethod: International: OCLC-IFM N/A
ILL-Loan-Period: 6 weeks
ILL-Loan-Item-Max: 3
ILL-Loan-Renewal: N/A
ILL-Loan-Charge: Postage only
ILL-Loan-Delivery-method: EMS
ILL-Non-Circulation-items: Special Collection, microfilm, microfische, Reference collection, Periodicals, AV, Dissertation, Thesis
ILL-Copy-Charge: 1 IFLA Voucher for first 15 monochrome pages. Additional 0.5 IFLA Voucher for each 15 monochrome pages.
ILL-Copy-Charge: 1 IFLA Voucher for first 7 color pages. Additional 0.5 IFLA Voucher for each 7 color pages.
ILL-Copy-Delivery-method: SAL
ILL-Note: Dissertation, Thesis: COPY: need the author's permission.