Influence of Sulfur-Containing Compounds on Nitrate-Induced Rapid Detinning in Acid Fruit Cans.

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  • 酸性果実缶での硝酸イオンによる脱スズ現象に及ぼす含硫化合物の影響
  • サンセイ カジツカン デ ノ ショウサン イオン ニヨル ダツ スズ ゲンショ

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Serious problems arise in the rapid detinning of plain tinplate cans, particularly when the cans contain are tropical fruit with high nitrate concentrations poses.<br>An investigation found that rapid detinning does not occur in presence of high nitrate concentrations, because the tin sulfide film formed on the tinplate surface surpresses detinning.<br>We confirmed that sulfur forming tin sulfide originates from cans contents, i.e. sulfur-containing compounds that determine fruit flavor and taste. Sulfur-containing compounds such as L-cysteine are particularly thermally unstable and decomposed by heat treatment. Tin sulfide film surpresses detinning, and tends to cause iron dissolution reaction, meaning that due care must be exercised.



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