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  • The life history of a Goby, Chaenogobius urotaenia (Hilgendorf)
  • ウキゴリ ノ セイカツシ



Chaenogobius urotaenia (Hilgendorf) is a small and polymorphic goby, common in the rivers or lakes of Japan; and is distributed also in Korea, Manchuria, Siberia, and Sanghalien (Fig. 1). The spawning-season seems to extend from January to May in the vicinity of Fukuoka city, Kyushu. During this season, a kind of the nuptial coloration appears in the mature female fish on its head, anal fin, and ventral fin. The number of the stones on the river-bed in rapid stream. The male parent fish was obscrved to stay in the room until the eggs hatch, while the female leave there soon after spawning. The spawned eggs were attached, in one layer, to the under surface of the stone. The number of the eggs of one spawn was 1,219~1,421. The spawned egg is ellipsoid in shape, about 3.0 mm in length, and 1.0 mm in width, demersal and adhesive with a bundle of adhesive filaments at its basal end (Fig. 2 and Fig. 3). The incubation-period is about 14 days at the tenperature about 15℃. The newly hatched larva was 4.1 mm in total length, with large melanophores on its body-sides; and its yolk was consumed in 7 days. The hatched larva seems to descend into the sea with the flowing water, and spend a few months in the coastal water, carrying a pelagic life. They feed on pelagic copepods and amphipods. The larvae, about 25 mm in total length, were found to ascend the river in shoals. Soon they enter into bottom-life in the river. This goby grows to 55~73 mm in total length in one year, when some of them become mature. The life-span seems to be over three years.

ウキゴリについては富山一郎(1936)が Chaenogobius macrognathus (Bleeker), Aboma urotaenia (Hilgendorf), Chloea dino Schmidt, Chaenogobius isaza Tanaka (和名イサザ) をすべて Gobius urotaenia Hilgendorf の Synonym として, それに Chaenogobius annularis urotaenia (Hilgendorf) という亜種名を考え, ビリンゴ Chaenogobius annularis annularis (Gill) と共に同一種類に属する2亜種としている. 高木和徳(1952)はウキゴリ, ビリンゴ及びイサザの形態について詳細な比較研究を行い, これ等がそれぞれ別個の種類である事を明らかにし, Chaenogobius urotaenia (Hilgendorf) に和名のウキゴリを当てている. ここでは富山, 高木両氏の説を参考して種別を定め, 主として九州各地で得た材料によつてウキゴリの生活史の大要を述べる. 本研究に当り懇切な御指導と原稿の御校閲を頂いた内田恵太郎教授に感謝の意を表すると共に, 長野県諏訪湖の標本を頂いた水産庁淡水区水産研究所の白石芳一技官, 琵琶湖の標本を頂いた滋賀県水産試験場の小林茂雄技師に心から御礼申し上げる.


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