Morphometric Analysis and Tagging Experiments for Stock Discrimination of Cresthead Flounder <i>Pleuronectes Schrenki</i> around Hokkaido

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  • Morphometric Analysis and Tagging Experiments for Stock Discrimination of Cresthead Flounder Pleuronectes Schrenki around Hokkaido
  • Morphometric Analysis and Tagging Exper

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In order to determine the stock structure of the cresthead flounder Pleuronectes schrenki around Hokkaido, stocks were separated by morphometric characters and tagging experiments. The twenty morphometric characters of cresthead flounder (male: 543, female: 464) collected from ten locations between October 1993 and November 1994 were measured. Measurements were standardized to all male and female mean body length. When canonical discriminant analysis was applied to eleven morphometric characters which were selected by stepwise discriminant analysis, the cresthead flounder stocks were classified into two groups, 1 i.e. the sea group and the lake group.<br> Tagged cresthead flounders of 1, 011 individuals were released from Abashiri Bay and the Sea of Okhotsk off Saroma Lake between 1993 and 1995. A total of 40 recaptures of individuals released off Saroma Lake were caught in the tagging area between April 1993 and September 1995. A total of 43 recaptures of those released in Abashiri Bay were caught in the northwestward region from Abashiri Bay and the Japan Sea coast of Hokkaido between April 1995 and December 1996. Tag recaptures were compared with the results of the canonical discriminant analysis.


  • Fisheries science

    Fisheries science 64 (3), 373-378, 1998

    The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science


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