Quinolone-Resistant Mutations in <I>Neisseria gonorrhoeae</I>

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  • ニューキノロン薬耐性淋菌の耐性機構の解析
  • ニューキノロンヤク タイセイ リンキン ノ タイセイ キコウ ノ カイセキ
  • Quinolone-Resistant Mutations in Neisseria gonorrhoeae

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For 10 strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae exhibiting decreased susceptibility to new quinolones (MIC≥0.1μg/ml) isolated and preserved from patients with gonococcal urethritis during the period from February 1991 through January 1992. We investigated the mechanism for development of resistance to new quinolones. After selecting 3 PCG-sensitive and new quinoloneresistant strains from among these strains, we first carried out transformation experiments of N. gonorrhoeae using a plasmid carrying the E. coli gyrA gene. We then determined the base sequence on the N. gonorrhoeae gyrA gene by PCR method. Of the 3 strains in which tranformation experiments were carried out, 2 strains yielded transformants, one of which was 8 times more sensitive to norfloxacin (NFLX) than the original strain, and it was assumed that this strain has a mutation in the gyrA gene. In our study of the base sequence on the N. gonorrhoeae gyrA gene using the PCR method, both strains had the mutation of Ser 83 (TCC)→Phe (TTC), and in addition to this mutation of Ser→Phe, one other strain had the mutation of Asp-87 (GAC)→Gly (GGC). This type of mutation of quinolone-resistant N. gonorrhoeae on the gyrA gene has high homology with the mutations reported for Escherichia coli and other strains and there appears to be a close correlation between the increasing frequency of use of the new quinolones in this country and the spread of such resistant strains of N. gonorrhoeae.


  • Kansenshogaku Zasshi

    Kansenshogaku Zasshi 69 (5), 511-516, 1995

    The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases

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