An Embodied Video Communication System in which Self-referentiable Avatar is Superimposed for Virtual Face-to-face Scene

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  • C211 自己アバタを対面合成した身体的ビデオコミュニケーションシステム
  • ジコ アバタ オ タイメン ゴウセイ シタ シンタイテキ ビデオ コミュニケーション システム

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We have demonstrated an importance of sharing the embodied interaction in communication by using the embodied virtual communication system in which talkers can share the same virtual space through their own avatars called VirtualActors. This present paper proposes a concept of an embodied video com-munication system and develop the system in which a VirtualActor is superimposed on the other's video image. Two remote talkers can communicate through his/her own VirtualActor and the other's video image in virtual face-to-face situation. Sensory evaluation and human interaction analysis demonstrate the effectiveness of the system in communication experiment of comparison with the scene in which a reduced own video image is superimposed on the other talker's video image. The system provides a new transmission of interaction awareness for human communication.


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