再考!!Waste Management―三位一体改革を機に廃棄物行政を考える―廃棄物処理事業における積極的な民間関与について―欧州のPPP(公民連携)事例から―


  • A New Waste Management System in Light of the Trinity Reforms: Active Participation of the Private Sector in Waste Management Business-A Review of the Advanced PPP Scheme and Practices in Europe-
  • ハイキブツ ショリ ジギョウ ニ オケル セッキョクテキ ナ ミンカン カンヨ ニ ツイテ オウシュウ ノ PPP コウミン レンケイ ジレイ カラ
  • —A Review of the Advanced PPP Scheme and Practices in Europe—
  • ―欧州のPPP (公民連携) 事例から―



Public Private Partnership (PPP) in municipal solid waste management was examined by reviewing the background and current situations of advanced schemes in Europe and the strategies being undertaken by some major waste management companies there. Although the PFI scheme is already under way to some extent in Japan, in European countries such as the UK, (the first country to adopt the concept), PPP is believed to contribute to cost reduction in performance and to provision of better public services. In the UK, even waste management planning, which has up until now been a public sector role, is going to be entrusted to the private sector and will include raising awareness among residents. In order for PPP to function effectively, there is a strong need for reliable waste management companies having ample experience and resources to support the various public services. An ideal figure of PPP in Japan is described based on advanced practices in some European countries where waste management businesses are sustainable even when waste generation decreased due to the 3 R policy.


  • 廃棄物学会誌

    廃棄物学会誌 16 (6), 334-342, 2005

    一般社団法人 廃棄物資源循環学会

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