Field studies and mesoscale analysis of the precipitation icing events in Hokkaido on February 22-23, 2004

  • OZEKI Toshihiro
    Iwamizawa Campus, Hokkaido University of Education
    Meteorological Research Institute for Technology Co. Ltd. present affilication Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region Public Works Research Institute
  • NISHIO Fumihiko
    Center for Environmental Remote Sensing, Chiba university

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Other Title
  • 2004年2月北海道の事例解析による雨氷現象の発生域の推定
  • 2004ネン 2ガツ ホッカイドウ ノ ジレイ カイセキ ニ ヨル ウヒョウ ゲンショウ ノ ハッセイイキ ノ スイテイ

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A severe ice storm struck west Hokkaido in the evening of February 22, 2004, and reached east Hokkaido the next morning. A field studies revealed that glaze covered a wide area around south and middle Sorachi, north Hidaka, and Nemuro regions. Moreover, the storm caused heavy rain, ice pellets, wet snow, and dry snow on the other regions of Hokkaido at the same time. Heavy ice/snow accretion and strong wind affected the electric power supply, shut down transportation, and damaged agriculture. We investigated the precipitation icing event, and we employed mesoscale analysis to estimate the freezing rain area. The temperature profile at Sapporo in the evening of February 22 was typical of freezing rain : the presence of a melting layer above and a subfreezing layer below in the lower atmospheric boundary layer (500 m). This structure was found in the temperature profile obtained at Nemuro the next morning. We designed a microphysics scheme for the snow melting process and the raindrop supercooling process. The freezing rain area was calculated using the mesoscale objective analysis data obtained from the Japan Meteorological Agency and the digital elevation dataset obtained from the Geographical Survey Institute. The icing event was also investigated using the surface meteorological data and the distribution of anemometers that had failed due to icing. The freezing rain area estimated by the microphysics scheme was well consistent with the icing area inferred from the field survey, the meteorological data, and the anemometer distribution.


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