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  • モンゴル コウゲン チュウオウブ ニ オケル ショクブツ ノ セイイク ニ エイキョウ オ オヨボス シゼン カンキョウ ノ ショ ヨウイン ノ ブンセキ
  • Effects of some Environmental Factors on the Plant Growth in the Central MongoIian Plateau

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This stugy was carried dout to c1arifY the effects of some environmental factors on the seasonal growth of herbaceous plants and shrubs in the centra1 Mongolian plateau 2004. The relationship was analyzed between air temperature, precipitation, soil temperature,moisture as the environmenta1 factor and plant coverage,aboveground biomass as the vegetation factor. At the early plant growth stageο6 April to 30 May),new shoots of Chenopodiaceae,Cyperaceae and Graminae emerged 3 weeks -4 weeks after above 0 oC of mean air temperature and soil temperature. It was suggested that the plant emergence and growth are promoted according to the rise of air and soil temperature even in precipitation deficiency at the early growth stage,if water resource is enough accumulated in soil during the last rainy season (at least more tban 6%- 9%o fsoil moisture). During the plant growth stage ofmiddle (31 May to 4J uly) and later (5 Julyto 8A ugust),it was considered that the amount of precipitation strongly affects the plant coverage and above ground biomass when it was under high air temperature. All plants stopped those growth when air temperature dropped to around 10・Cunder the dry condition. According to the results of multiple regression analyses between the environmental factors and the vegetation factors in 2004, the air temperature primarily affected the plant growth during the whole growth season. This paper pointed out that the air temperature basically controls the plant growth in such northern cooler places as the central Mongolian plateau (more than 45 degree north latitude and 1,000 m above sea level).



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