
  • 北澤 宏理
    独立行政法人・理化学研究所・脳科学総合研究センター・運動学習制御研究チーム 東京医科大学・組織・神経解剖学
  • 大木 雅文
    武蔵野日赤病院・耳鼻咽喉科 東京大学・医学部・耳鼻咽喉科
  • 永雄 総一


  • Primate Cerebellar Hemisphere and Voluntary Eye Movement Control



The cerebellar hemispheres, which constitute the major portion of the primate cerebellum, are considered to be involved in voluntary movement control and cognitive functions. Unlike those of the flocculus-paraflocculus complex and vermal lobule VI/VII, the oculomotor functions of the hemispheres are not yet well known. We recently found a new eye movement area in the hemispheric lobule VI/VII (H-VI/VII) in macaque monkeys. Unilateral lesions of H-VI/VII decreased the velocities of smooth pursuit, and delayed the onset of smooth pursuit and saccades. No hypo- or hypermetria was observed in the saccade amplitudes. A 50% impairment of the adaptations of smooth pursuit velocities, examined by brief acceleration of the target velocity during smooth pursuit, was observed. These lesion effects were prominent in the eye movements directed to the lesioned side. No spontaneous or gaze nystagmic eye movements were observed in association with the H-VI/VII lesions. Based on the results of comparison of the mossy and climbing fiber input organizations among the flocculus-paraflocculus, vermal lobule VI/VII and H-VI/VII, we suggest that the H-VI/VII is a new member of the oculomotor cerebellum that mediates a different function from that of the flocculus, paraflocculus and vermis.


参考文献 (81)*注記


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