

  • Drug resistance in Escherichia coli isolated from goat feces
  • ヤギ フンベン ユライ ダイチョウキン ノ ヤクザイ タイセイ



沖縄県内のヤギ飼養農家22戸, 73頭の糞便由来大腸菌合計822株について, 7薬剤に対する感受性試験を, また耐性菌については伝達性Rプラスミドの検索も行った。これらの成績を給与飼料別(野草のみと野草+穀類), 地域別(北部と南部)に比較した。7薬剤のいずれかに耐性の大腸菌は, 全体では147株(17.9%)であった。給与飼料別の検出率では野草のみが17.2%, 野草+穀類が18.7%でほぼ同率であった。しかし, 野草のみでは北部31.8%, 南部5.7%で, 前者が高率であったのに対し, 野草+穀類では北部17.8%, 南部19.2%でほぼ同じであった。薬剤別ではCTC耐性が11.3%で最高, 以下SA, ABPC, SM, KM, CP耐性の順であり, NA耐性は検出されなかった。野草のみでは, CTC耐性が両地域とも1位の検出率を示したが, 野草+穀類では, 北部でCTC耐性が1位を, 南部でABPC耐性とSA耐性が同率1位を示すなど, 若干異なった。耐性型の種類は, 全体では5剤型を除く単剤型から6剤型まで17種類認められた。野草のみでは北部6種類, 南部8種類, 野草+穀類ではそれぞれ3種類と6種類であり, いずれも南部が多かった。また6剤型は南部の野草+穀類でのみ検出された。野草+穀類では2剤以上の薬剤に耐性の多剤耐性型が大多数を占め, 特に南部の全株が多剤耐性型であったが, 野草のみでは50∿56%が逆に単剤型であった。耐性菌147株のうち, 17株(11.6%)が伝達性Rプラスミドを保有し, 野草のみ9株(北部8株, 南部1株), 野草+穀類8株(南部のみ)であった。これら菌株の伝達耐性型は, 野草のみの9株がCTC単剤伝達性, 野草+穀類では5株がSM単剤伝達性, 3株がSM-SA2剤伝達性であった。

We performed sensitivity tests to seven antibiotics on a total of 822 strains of Escherichia coli isolated from the feces of 73 goats from 22 goat farms in Okinawa prefecture. Transmissible R-plasmids were also examined in antibiotic-resistant strains. These results were compared by type of feed (grass only, or mixed feed of grass and concentrated feed) and by district (south or north). A total of 147 strains (17.9%) were resistant to at least one of the seven antibiotics. The detection rates of resistant strains were similar in the grass only group (17.2%) and the mixed feed group (18.7%). However, in the grass only group, the resistance rate was higher in the northern district (31.8%) than in the southern district (5.7%); while in the mixed feed group, the rates in the northern (17.8%) and southern districts (19.2%) were similar. The detection rate of CTC resistance was highest (11.3%), followed by SA, ABPC, SM, KM and CP resistance, with no NA resistance. In the grass only group, the detection rate of CTC resistance was the highest in both the northern and southern districts, whereas in the mixed feed group, CTC resistance was the highest in the northern district, but ABP^4C resistance and SA resistance were the highest in the southern district; showing some difference. Seventeen patterns of resistance were observed, ranging from single-drug to 6-drug resistance, except 5-drug resistance. Six-drug resistance was observed only in the mixed feed group in the southern district. The predominant resistance pattern in the mixed feed group was multiple resistance to 2 or more antibiotics; particulaly, all the resistant strains in the southern district were multiple resistant strains. In contrast, 50 to 56% of the resistant strains in the grass only group showed single-drug resistance. Seventeen of 147 resistant strains (11.6%) caried R-plasmids. Nine strains were isolated from the grass only group (8 strains in the north and 1 strain in the south). The transmissible resistance types were CTC only in 9 strains in the grass only group; SM only in 5 strains and SM-SA in 3 strains in the mixed feed group.



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