非営利・非政府組織と開発 : UNDP(1993),Human Development Report 1993,を中心に(美崎皓教授追悼号)


  • 非営利・非政府組織と開発--UNDP(1993),Human Development Report 1993,を中心に
  • ヒエイリ ヒ セイフ ソシキ ト カイハツ UNDP 1993 Human D
  • ヒ エイリ ヒ セイフ ソシキ ト カイハツ : UNDP 1993 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT REPORT 1993 オ チュウシン ニ ミサキ アキラ キョウジュ ツイトウ ゴウ
  • The Functions of Nonprofit & Nongovernmental Organizations for Development



type:Departmental Bulletin Paper

The OECD has adopted 'participatory development' as its strategy for the 1990s. The nonprofit and nongovernmental organizations have become one of the key players for the social and economic development in the developing countries. The UNDPalso brought forward the important role of the nongovernmental organization for development by the people in Human Development Report 1993. This report said 'NGOs must, as an objective, striveto increase the capability of the people's organizations to articulate their concerns directly at the highest levels.' The nonprofit and nongovernmental organizations tend to be 'value-driven' rather than profit-oriented or bureaucratically propelled and to make markets more people friendly.

identifier:彦根論叢, 第309号, pp. 149-161

identifier:The Hikone Ronso, No.309, pp. 149-161


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