化学的風化作用による大気からのCO2の除去フラックス推定上の問題点  珪酸塩と炭酸塩風化フラックス

  • 鹿園 直建


  • Removal of CO2 from the Atmosphere by Chemical Weathering: Fluxes due to the Weathering of Silicates and Carbonates.
  • カガクテキ フウカ サヨウ ニ ヨル タイキ カラ ノ CO2 ノ ジョキョ フラックス スイテイ ジョウ ノ モンダイテン ケイサンエン ト タンサンエン フウカ フラックス
  • Fluxes due to the Weathering of Silicates and Carbonates
  • 珪酸塩と炭酸塩風化フラックス



Previous studies such as that of Meybeck (1987) estimated the CO2 flux from atmosphere to riverwater due to chemical weathering by assuming that the rate of weathering of silicate rocks and carbonate rocks is proportional to the surface areas of rocks (silicate rocks : carbonate rocks = 7 : 3). However, the dissolution rate of carbonates (calcite and dolomite) is in two to four orders of magnitude higher than silicate (feldspar). This may imply that Meybeck's and other previous approaches lead to a large uncertainty in the estimate of CO2 flux. However, their estimates are nearly similar to that of Gaillardet et al. (1999), who estimated the contribution of the weathering of silicates and carbonates to riverwater chemistry based on a large volume of analytical and runoff data of the world's 60 major rivers.<BR>The thermochemical calculation in the present study indicates that the chemistry of riverwater having a small runoff is controlled by the solubilities of calcite and Na ·Ca-feldspar (Na : Ca = 1 : 1) at atmospheric PCO<SUB>2</SUB> (10 -3.5 atm) and the world-wide average riverwater chemistry plot is close to the Na ·Ca feldspar-calcite-riverwater equilibrium point. This result reasonably explains the similar estimated values of CO2 flux obtained by Meybeck (1987) and others and Gaillardet et al. (1999).<BR>The conditions for riverwater saturated with Na ·Ca feldspar and calcite were derived based on a dissolution kinetics-fluid flow coupling model and were expressed as functions of τ (residence time of groundwater) and A/M (A : surface area of mineral, M : mass of water).


  • 地学雑誌

    地学雑誌 111 (3), 360-373, 2002

    公益社団法人 東京地学協会

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