尼門跡の言語環境について : 尼門跡の言語生活の調査研究 (II)


  • Linguistic Circumstances in Amamonzeki Nunnery (II)



In Part I, we touched on the ancient court-lady speechs which have persisted in Daisyozi Amamonzeki nunnery. The present paper is an attempt to explain some linguistic circumstances in this nunnery. It is difficult to classify the extremely varied assertions which have been made connecting lingustic and nonlinguistic behavior. Therefore, in this paper, we will primarily ask three kinds of nonlinguistic questions : 1) What are the natures of human relation connected with Daisyozi and Imperial palace, of social circles and their manners and customs? 2) What are the year's regular functions in Daisyozi? (the Feast of the Seven Herbs of Health, Kazyo, the moonlight party and ancient customs etc.) 3) What kinds of education and recreation were done for the nuns? (the distinctive perception of public and private affairs, Kiyo and Otugi, Genzimonogatari cards and others) Thus, we intend to treat in next Parts on the correlation between some aspects of language and non-linguistic phenomena in this nunnery.


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