忘却のかなたのマリノフスキー : 1930年代における文化接触研究


  • Malinowski Rising out of Oblivion : The Culture-Contact Studies of the 1930s
  • ボウキャク ノ カナタ ノ マリノフスキー 1930ネンダイ ニ オケル ブンカ セッショク ケンキュウ




Malinowski is One of the most distinguished figures in the history ofanthropology, who introduced the empirical method of 'participantobservation'. By contrast, he has been considered feeble in theoreticalI influence, in which he could not eventually rival Radcliffe-Brown. Thisrepresentation,which depicts the two founding fathers of British socialanthropology in complementary terms, has been broadly accepted by anthropologists.Howeverit is neitherf air nor correct;i t entirelyn eglectsMalinowski'sm ost important projecti n his last decadei n Britain. Inthisp aper,1 w illi nvestigatteh isp rojecto n thep racticaal nthropologoyfculture contact in !African colonies and try to resurrect this so-farunknown Malinowski from entire oblivion. 1Througthh e projecht e endeavourteod t ransforman thropologyfroma ntiquarianitsom an r igorouse,m piricsacl iencwe hichs houldb eableto providceo lolinaiadlm inistratiwoint hp racticakln owledogne t hedynamicacllhya ngincgu lturasli tuatioonf thec oloniesA. lthougthh eprojecwt asn otoriouass a worscta seo fc ompliciwtyi thim perialisamndcolonialiitsi sma l,l storu eth ant oa nthropolaomgoisnht gisc ontemporariescriticisedc oloniala dministrations o severelya s he did. I willreconstrucMt alinowski'isd easo n whata nd howa nthropologistssh ouldobservec oncerningc ulturec ontacti n Africanc oloniesb, y wayo f analysingthe argumentsh e presentedt o his own studentsw ho participatedi nthe Africanp roject.,It willb e revealedth at he foresawa nd overcameinmanyr espectst he post-modernc riticismso f anthropologyc onductedi ni the 1980s. The Radcliffe-Brownian structural functionalism, when seenin then ewli ghot f Malinowspkrio'sj ecotf c ulture-consttaucdt iews,a sactually a retreat to, an obsolete antiquarianism. However, structuralfunctionalists constructed the history of anthropology as that of a steadydevelopmeunpt to theirs choolb, y systematicalelrya singth em emoryo fMalinowskip'sr oject. Ther isea ndf allo f Malinowski'nsf luencien thelatei nter-waar ndt he earlyp ost-wapr eriodsw illb e traced.


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