

  • Research on nursing student's sleep-health and eating habits
  • カンゴ ガクセイ ノ スイミン ケンコウ ト ショク シュウカン ニ カンスル ケンキュウ



青年期において不規則な睡眠習慣や貧弱な睡眠は、記憶や学習能力の低下、集中力、感情コントロール機能等の高次脳機能を低下させると言われ、問題となっている。職務上、正確さや緻密さを要求される看護職においては、集中力や感情コントロール機能は重要であり、健康的で快適な生活を送る上でも睡眠習慣は重要となってくる。そこで、本研究は看護学生の睡眠習慣の実態を調査し、特に睡眠習慣と食習慣に焦点をあてて、健康との関連での示唆を得ることを目的とした。研究方法 対象者は、県内の2施設の看護学校(全日制)の学生247名で(回答数242名・回収率98.0%)、そのうち、治療中の健康障害を有する者、性別の不明の者を除外し、特別の場合を除く過去1ヶ月間の睡眠状態についてアンケート調査を行った。コントロール群は一般大学生264名で前述同様の者を除外し調査を行った。調査内容は、性別、年齢、睡眠習慣に関連した項目(16項目)、および白川らによる「睡眠健康危険度得点関連項目」である。調査に同意の得られた学生に対して一斉に行った。結果及び結論1)看護学生群は、一般大学生と比較して就寝・起床時刻が早く、睡眠を充分とっていると認識している学生が多くみられたが、昼間の居眠りは比較的高い比率を示した。2)睡眠健康危険度得点の分析によると、「入眠潜時」が高値で「寝酒」や「睡眠薬」が一般大学生群と比較して有意に高かったことと、「起床困難」・「床離れ」・「熟眠感がない」が高値であったことから、睡眠の質についての問題が示唆された。3)食習慣については、一般大学生同様、各食事に欠食がみられ、睡眠習慣との関連が示唆された。これらのことから、看護学生の日常生活におけるストレスへも目を向け、対処法を考えて支援することが教育効果を高めるとともに、健康への支援にもつながると考える。@@@Irregular sleeping customs and poor sleep pose a problem for young adults in so far as they are said to cause a reduction in high order brain functions, such as memory, study capability, concentration and emotional control functioning. Since accuracy and precision are requirements of the nursing profession, concentration and emotional control are very important in the fulfillment of the nurse's duties. It is, therefore, just as important that a nurse have a healthy and comfortable life style which promotes healthy sleeping habits. For this reason the research focused on actual sleep and eating habits aimed at obtaining some suggestions in connection with health. Methods: A questionnaire which focused on the participants' sleeping conditions for the past one month was given to day students of two nursing schools. Out of a total of 247 students, 242 replied (a return of 98.0%). From this total, those students were eliminated who were undergoing medical treatment or those whose gender was not indicated. A control group consisting of 264 general college students were also studied (students in this group were also eliminated under the same conditions as above). The contents of the investigation consisted of gender, age, 16 items related to sleep habits and life style, as well as other relevant items from the questionnaire on sleep and health authored by Shirakawa and others. The investigation was carried out in its entirety with the students who consented to participate. Findings and conclusion: 1) Compared to the ordinary college students, the nursing students get to bed, and are up early. Although many more nursing students are very conscious of the necessity for sleep, they dozed off in the daytime. 2) From an analysis of "sleep health risk scores", compared to ordinary college students, nursing students' scores were higher in items of "difficulty in initiating sleep", and the use of "night caps" and "sleeping pills". The nursing students also scored higher in items of "difficulties in waking up" and "getting out of bed" and "feelings of a lack of sleep". Thus the problem of the nursing students' quality of sleep was brought out. 3) The nursing students took the meals irregularly as did the ordinary college students. Their eating habits were related to sleeping habits. The above findings show that, the attention should be payed to the stress in nursing students' daily life, the ways to support them and help them to cope. Besides heightening educational effectiveness, this will also lead to support for their health.


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