「社会志向性」と「社会的コンピテンス」を教育する (2)

DOI 機関リポジトリ HANDLE Web Site オープンアクセス


  • An experimental curriculum for fostering pro-social attitudes and social competence (2)
  • 資料 「社会志向性」と「社会的コンピテンス」を教育する(2)
  • シリョウ シャカイ シコウセイ ト シャカイテキ コンピテンス オ キョウイク スル 2



This article is a description of a curriculum planned for enhancing the acquisition of pro-social attitudes and social competence of seventh graders. Yoshida et al (2000) had previously reported on the first six sessions conducted. This article shall deal with the rest of the sessions and summarize the issues and problems for future sessions for seventh graders. The major issues were as follows : (1) maintaining motivation of students; (2) assessing the effects of this project; (3) incorporating theoretical framework for the sessions and the project; (4) improving the content of some sessions. This project is being continued for seventh graders and eighth graders. For seventh graders "understanding the self and close others" was focused on, and for eighth graders "understanding more deeply wider objectives" was the focus.


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