4. Gene expression of amelogenin in odontogenic tumors :



The distribtution of amelogenin mRNA was investigated in ameloblastoma and adenomatoid odontogeznic tumor (AOT). Digoxygenin(DIG) labeled RNA probe was prepared from human plexiform type amelobastoma. Sections of rat incisors human ameloblastoma and ACT were hybridized with the above-mentioned probe, and immuno-detection of the hybridized probe was performed with the DIG Ntucleic Acid Detection Kit. In the rat incisor, amelogenin mRNA was detected in the preameloblast and ameloblast. Amelogeuuin mRNA was detected mainly in the high columutar cells of the amelobastoma. Amelogenin mRNA was also detected in many duct-like and solid strtuctture tumor cells of AOT.


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