山東葉煙草栽培地域と「英米トラスト」の経営戦略 : 一九一〇〜三〇年代中国における商品作物生産の一形態


  • The Management of B.A.T. and Local Systems in Shandong Province, China : From the 1910's to the 1930's.
  • 山東葉煙草栽培地域と「英米トラスト」の経営戦略--1910~30年代中国における商品作物生産の一形態
  • サントウ ハタバコ サイバイ チイキ ト エイベイ トラスト ノ ケイエイ セ



This paper is focused on the transition of the management of B.A.T. (British American Tobacco Co., Ltd.) in a tobacco-growing district, Shangdong province. In the former studies, it was said to be a process of establishing semifeudal, semi-colonial system. And the peasantry of that area were considered to have become oppressed by both B.A.T. and local feudal merchants. But with this way of analysis, we are likely to overlook the reation from the local peasants, and tend to assume that B.A.T. achieved its aim of making the local market under its control without any difficulty. According to my reserch on A.B.T., it made great efforts to establish the influential status in the local economy, and also took various means to acquire tobacco-growing peasants. For instance, B.A.T. tried to ensure the constant supply of the material by handing the purchasing tikets to the peasants in a tobacco planting season. But because the peasants sold their products to any company which offered them the best price, it did not work at all. So B.A.T. started to keep their price better than other companies afterwards. Thus big companys like B.A.T. could not penetrate into the local economic system. They could just extend thir power under the careful consideration of the peasants' reaction. By making a survey of B.A.T.'s management, we can see how a big international company changed its strategy to regional reactions. It also means that this process shows us the peculiarity of this region. And we can get another practical image of the so-called semi-colonial system, not its generalised image.


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