カリキュラムガイドによる造形美術教育の再構築 : 小、中学校を一貫した教科性の模索


  • Restructuring of Art Education by a Curriculum Guide : Searching for Continuous Subject Nature from Elementary to Junior High School
  • カリキュラムガイド ニ ヨル ゾウケイ ビジュツ キョウイク ノ サイコウチク ショウ チュウガッコウ オ イッカン シタ キョウカセイ ノ モサク



With the revision of the course of study, substantial school hours of the subject art, 'zugakousaku' and 'bijutsu', were reduced. The realization of similar educational qualities as before became impossible. It is important to solve the problem of the school hours for art as a regular subject. I tried to suggest the restructuring of the subject by making a 'curriculum guide' to show the pillar of the continuous subject from elementary school to junior high school. This curriculum guide is not the former lesson plan, nor a guidance plan for the year as a fixed line-up of educational material. What this is aiming at is a flexible curriculum guide for adapting to the situation of schools, pupils and teachers, like an ideal course of study of SBCD. I hope that the curriculum guide can work for practical studies from the broad view of classroom education.




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