229 ダイオキシン類簡易分析法を用いた運転管理の可能性


  • Applicability of simple method of dioxin measurement for combustion control


To examine the possibility of using the TOX (Total Organic Halogen-an alternative index of DXNs) as an operational management of the DXNs reduction control, we have studied what relationship exists between DXNs and TOX of the exhaust gas from an incineration facility in terms of the distribution of combustion air, the injection volume of activated carbon, and the BF entrance temperature. We consequently have found that the data from both DXNs and TOX show the same trend. We also have investigated the relationship between DXNs and TOX at the facility where the new type of DXNs absorbent is used, and have confirmed that the relationship is different between new type of DXNs absorbent and the traditional activated carbon.


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