419 大動脈瘤の局在が壁せん断応力分布に及ぼす影響


  • Influence of the Aneurism Localization on Wall Shear Stress in the Aorta


It is suggested that initiation and growth of an aortic aneurysm is related to the flow induced wall shear stress (WSS). The blood flow in the aorta with an aneurysm is affected not only by the geometry of the original aorta but also by the shape, location, size of the aneurysm. In this study, we constructed various CFD models of the aortic aneurysm by combining a three dimensionally bended aorta with an aneurysm whose shape is expressed as a two dimensional Gausian function. It was found that the location of the high wall shear stress region is discontinuously changed from upstream to downstream of the aneurysm by changing the size and location of the aneurysm.


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