

  • 原子吸光法による大気粉じん中の鉄,マンガン,亜鉛,銅,鉛,カドミウム,ニッケルの定量におけるふっ化水素酸分解と酸抽出法の検討
  • Comparison of acid digestion methods with and without hydrofluoric acid for the determination of iron, manganese, zinc, lead, cadmium, and nickel in ambient particulates by atomic absorption spectrometry
  • ゲンシ キュウコウホウ ニヨル タイキ フンジンチュウ ノ テツ マンガン ア



Various wet digestion methods were examined for the determination of metals in ambient particulates. The recommended procedure was as follows. A given amount of sample was gently heated in a mixture of 10ml of hydrofluoric acid, 20ml of nitric acid and 3ml of hydrogen peroxide and the solution was evaporated to dryness. The residue was dissolved in 10ml of 0.5M hydrochloric acid by heating gently. After filtering insoluble residue off, the filtrate was adjusted to 50ml with 0.5M hydrochloric acid. Metal concentrations were then determined directly on the solution by atomic absorption spectrometry with an air-acetylene flame. For metals of low concentration such as copper, lead, cadmium, and nickel, the metals were extracted with diethyldithiocarbamate in butyl acetate before the measurement. In this case, a large amount of iron present in the sample had to be eliminated beforehand. This was attained by extraction from 10M hydrochloric acid solution with isopentyl acetate. This solvent was found most suitable, because it was free from the formation of emulsion and could be separated quickly from aqueous phase. By the present method, the certified values for NBS SRM-1648 urban particulates matter were satisfactorily reproduced. When hydrofluoric acid was not used, about 22%, 10%, and 9% lower values were observed for iron, manganese, and nickel, respectively.


  • 分析化学

    分析化学 32 (3), 169-173, 1983

    公益社団法人 日本分析化学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

