What Do Computer Networks Imply for the Future of Writing Education?

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  • コンピュータ・ネットワークによる作文教育変革の可能性
  • 資料 コンピュータ・ネットワークによる作文教育変革の可能性
  • シリョウ コンピュータ ネットワーク ニ ヨル サクブン キョウイク ヘンカク ノ カノウセイ

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This paper examined in what ways computer networks have been used in writing education and how they can change the traditional writing class, based upon previous literature on the use of computer networks in writing classes. It was suggested that computer networks can facilitate collaborative writing and change communication styles between the teacher and students, discourse patterns and grading patterns. They also can create functional writing environments in which students write with real audiences and purposes, and discourse communities in which students inherit and develop their own cultures. However, even if the new communication media have a great possibility to change the traditional writing class, the technology itself does not guarantee the revolution of the traditional class. It is necessary to conduct a systematic research on how to implement it in a classroom based upon sociocultural factors such as institutions, curriculum, teachers and students.


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