阪神・淡路大震災に関する関西支部(被災地域)会員アンケート調査報告〔その1〕 : 自由記述式による

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  • Quantitative Evaluation of Female Students' Preferences for Apparel Retail Stores by Hierarchical Structure Analysis.
  • 階層構造分析法による女子学生のアパレル小売店舗選好の計量化
  • ハンシン アワジ ダイシンサイ チョウサ ケンキュウ トクベツ イインカイ ホ
  • 阪神・淡路大震災調査研究特別委員会報告
  • 阪神・淡路大震災に関する関西支部(被災地域)会員アンケート調査報告〔その2〕 : 自由記述式による



The present study aimed at evaluating female college students' preferences for apparel retail storesusing the Hierarchical Structure Analysis developed by T. L. Saaty. The hierarchical structure of thisstudy was composed of six evaluative criteria : 1) maker and/or brand merchandise, 2) size assortment, 3) pricing strategy, 4) sales assistance, 5) design assortment, and6) location and business hours forthree kinds of retail stores : department stores, discount stores, and speciality stores.<BR>A paired comparison test was utilized to determine which criterion was perceived as being moreimportant for the retail stores and which store was viewed as having more accomplished eachcriterion. Paired comparison matrix of the six criteria or matrices of the three kinds of stores were utilized for solving the eigen equations in order to evaluate the students' preferences for the storesquantitatively.<BR>The preference weights of department stores, discount stores, and speciality stores were 0.40, 0.23, and 0.36 respectively. This result was congruent with the ranking of the three kinds of stores assignedaccording to the frequency that the same subjects actually went shopping to buy their street dress.


  • 日本家政学会誌

    日本家政学会誌 46 (10), 977-984, 1995

    一般社団法人 日本家政学会

被引用文献 (5)*注記


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