ゲル濾過を用いた食品添加物カラギーナン中の単糖, 二糖の定量


  • Determination of Mono-and Disaccharides in Carrageenans of Food Additives Using Gel Filtration



The identification and determination of cabohydrates in low molecular fraction and determination of molecular weight of carrageenans in high molecular fraction of 5 carrageenans of food additives separated by Sephacryl S-300 column chromatography were studied. Lactose, glucose or sucrose was identified by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) as low molecular weight carbohydrates in carrageenan of food additives. By the phenol-sulfuric acid method by use of saccharide identified by TLC as a standard, the contents of mono-and disaccharides in carrageenans of food additives obtained from low molecular fraction separated by Sephacryl gel filtration, outer solution dialysed with cellophane tube and extraction with 80% methanol were found to be within the range of 20-60%. The molecular weight was more than 100000 for each of carrageenans in carrageenans of food additives by Sephacryl S-300 chromatography with well-characterized dextrans. Sulfate contents of carrageenans by the barium sulfate gravimetric method were found to be above 18%, except one to be 7.5%.


  • 衛生化学

    衛生化学 31 (2), 137-140, 1985-04-30


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