鉄筋コンクリート構造物の耐震安全性について (4) : 総括 : 耐震安全性の工学的基準と概念形態


  • ASEISMIC CAPACITY OF REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES (IV) : General Review; Technological Criterion and Conceptual Figure of Aseismic Capacity of Medium or Low Rise Reinforced Concrete Rigid Frames
  • テッキン コンクリート コウゾウブツ ノ タイシン アンゼンセイ ニ ツイテ 4 ソウカツ タイシン アンゼンセイ ノ コウガクテキ キジュン ト ガイネン ケイタイ



The purposes of this report are (A) to induce a technological criterion of the aseismic capacity of reinforced concrete rigid frames and (B) to give a theoretical background to the three papers which were already reported on the aseismic safety of medium or low rise reinforced concrete structures with shear walls arranged symmetrically and asymmetrically and without shear walls. The technological criterion of aseismic capacity is derived from the combination of one mass oscillator subjected to sinusoidal groud acceleration and the fatigue characteristics of reinforced concrete aseismic elements. Finally, the aseismic capacity of low rise reinforced concrete is illustrated in the space with three-Cartesiar coordinates, i.e. shear force level, natural period and equivalent coefficiet. Then the aseismic characteristics of "rigid structures" with predominant short columns and shear walls which show shear fracture mode and of "flexible structures" with predominant long columns which show flexural fracture mode are made clear in this figure (Fig.21).


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