着地すべり試験機の開発およびC.S.Rの下限値の提示 : すべりの変化を認知していない場合を対象とした床のすべりの評価に関する研究 その2


  • DEVELOPMENT OF LANDING SLIP METER AND PRESENTATION OF LOWER CRITERION OF C.S.R : Study on evaluation of floor slipperiness when people step on slippery surface without knowledge of slipperiness changing Part 2
  • チャクチスベリ シケンキ ノ カイハツ オヨビ C S R ノ カゲンチ ノ テイジ スベリ ノ ヘンカ オ ニンチ シテ イナイ バアイ オ タイショウ ト シタ ユカ ノ スベリ ノ ヒョウカ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ ソノ 2



The purpose of this study is to present the lower criterion of C.S.R not to slip at landing when people step on the slippery surface without the knowledge of the slipperiness changing. In this paper, at first, we developed "Landing Slip Meter" which simulated the landing load while natural or fast walking. Next, using the meter, we measured load-time curve with various floors and substances adhered to floors, and judged that the slip would occur or not from the load-time curve. Finally, from the relationship between the result of the judgment and C.S.R, we presents the lower criterion of C.S.R.


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