

  • Effect of electro-acupuncture on blood flow of the hand and foot skin




ヒトの経穴(右手の合谷又は右足の足三里)を電気鍼刺激し, レーザー血流計で両側手の指掌と両側足背の皮膚血流変化を測定した。経穴刺激による血流変化(増加又は減少)は刺激開始後の時間や被験者により差が見られた。刺鍼前の血流量を100%として, 全被験者の平均値で表すと, 15分間の合谷電気鍼刺激により, 同側及び対側の指掌の血流は留鍼5分後148%及び137%とそれぞれ有意に増加し, その後刺激前の値に回復した。又, 合谷刺激による両側足背の血流は留鍼中増加傾向を示し, 抜鍼後有意に増加した(同側の足背, 126%;対側の足背, 141%)。足三里電気鍼刺激では留鍼中両側足背の血流は変化せず, 抜鍼後血流は有意に減少した(同側の足背, 90%;対側の足背, 88%)。足三里刺激による両側指掌の血流には, 留鍼中及び抜鍼後とも有意な血流変化は認められなかった。以上の結果は合谷や足三里鍼刺激が手足の皮膚血流を変化させることを示し, この結果とラットを用いて行った同様の実験の結果とを比較検討した。

Changes in blood flow of the finger pad skin of both hands and the dorsal skin of both feet induced by electro-acupuncture of acupuncture points (Hegu or Housanli) were measured with the use of laser blood flow meters in human subjects. Electro-acupuncture of the Hegu significantly increased mean blood flow of the ipsilateral and contralateral finger pads up to 148% and 137% (mean blood flow before needle insertion, 100%), respectively, 5 min after stimulation. Blood flow then decreased to the baseline level. Stimulation of the Hegu slightly increased blood flow of the skin of both feet during stimulation and significantly increased blood flow 15 min after removal of the stimulating needle (126% for the ipsilateral foot and 141% for the contralateral foot). Stimulation of the Housanli induced no change in blood flow of the ipsilateral or contralateral finger pads or foot skin during stimulation, but significantly decreased the blood flow of the ipsilateral and contralateral foot skin to 90% and 88%, respectively, 15 min after needle removal. Blood flow of the ipsilateral and contralateral finger pads was not changed by Housanli stimulation. These results showed that electro-acupuncture of the Hegu and Housanli changed blood flow of the ipsilateral and contralateral finger pads and foot skin. These results were compared with those obtained in rat experiments.


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