キューブラー・ロスの死生観 : とくに義人ヨブとの比較


  • Elisabeth Kubler Ross's View of Life and Death
  • キューブラー ロス ノ シセイカン トクニ ギジン ヨブ トノ ヒカク




While looking into the life history of Elisabeth Kubler Ross I studied her view of life and death. In particular, I paid attention to the view presented in her maiden work titled "The Moment of Death" (1969) in which she wrote : "patients are led to their deaths by following five steps of psychological processes". Paying special attention to this theory, I used her autobiography as my references to find out how her view on life and death was reflected in her biography and I made an analytic study at it. Additionally, I focused on her anger at death and acceptance of death and compared her view with that of Job, a man of righteousness described in the Old Testament. In this way. I clarified the points of similarities and differences between the two and sought for a way in which people living the modem age may accept their own illnesses and death.


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