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  • ダイナミックシンメトリー理論における論理について
  • ダイナミックシンメトリー リロン ニ オケル ロンリ ニ ツイテ

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This research is a part of a study on Dynamic Symmetry by Jay Hambidge in the early part of the 20th century. In those days some specialists cooperated with Hambidge and many people approved his theory, but there were some self-contradictions in his logic. In this paper details of these contradictions are demonstrated. The contradiction was between commensurability in area and the golden ratio, between his criticism against Vitruvius and the metric scale. Another was between his atheism and ancient Greek concept "Idea". Through analysis of these contradictions, the following characteristics of his theory become clear. His adherence to the golden ratio was brought about by his great interest in the growth of plants. He forcibly connected ancient Greek arts with the golden ratio from botany, and reinforced his theory with ancient Greek philosophy. His vision was very conventional and mystic though he emphasized the novelty of his theory using the words "biology" and "scientists".



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