道路周辺の土壌及び植物の鉛, 亜鉛, カドミウムによる汚染


  • ドウロ シュウヘン ノ ドジョウ オヨビ ショクブツ ノ ナマリ , アエン , カドミウム ニ ヨル オセン
  • Contamination of Roadside Soil and Vegetation with Lead, Zinc and Cadmium




国道6号線沿線の松戸市戸定地区および柏市豊町地区の土壌ならびに植物のPb, Zn, Cdによる汚染状況を調査し次の結果を得た.1.道路に近接した地点における土壌中のPbおよびZn含有率は顕著に高く, Cdについても一部地区で同様の傾向が認められた.また植物中のPb, Zn, Cd含有率はいずれも道路に近接した地点において高く, 道路を中心に汚染が拡がっている状況が認められた.2.土壌中(表土)の重金属類の含有率は気象条件および季節によって変動した.変化の幅は道路に近い地点ほど大きかった.3.植物中のPb, ZnおよびCd含有率の変動は植物の種類によって異なったが, セイタカアワダチソウにおいては経時的に含有率が増加する傾向があった.4.下層土の各重金属含有率は表層土よりもかなり低かったが, 道路に対する位置の関係については表層土と同様の傾向が認められた.

Contamination of Roadside Soil and Vegetation with Lead, Zinc and Cadmium. N. SHIMADA, M. SUMIYOSHI, S. TOYODA, Y. SATO and M. KOJIMA. Faculty of Horticulture, Chiba University, Matsudo, Japan. Tech. Bull. Fac. Hort. Chiba Univ., No.21: 65-74 1973. In order to survey the contamination of roadside soil and vegetation with heavy metals, distributions of Pb, Zn and Cd were examined in roadside soil and grass samples from some locations adjacent to heavily traveled route No.6. Sampling sites were selected at comparatively level areas both Matsudo and Kashiwa, Chiba prefecture. Concentrations of Pb and Zn in roadside soil decreased with distance from trafic. The same tendency was also observed in the case of Cd at partial district. Pb, Zn and Cd contents in grass samples increased remarkably at the adjacent site of trafic. Those suggest that the contamination of roadside soil and vegetation with Pb, Zn and Cd must be caused by trafic. Pb, Zn and Cd contents in surface soil were varied with climatological and seasonal conditions. Variations of the concentration were widely ranged markedly at nearer site of trafic. Contents of Pb, Zn and Cd in grasses grown at the identical site of roadside were varied with plant species and with sampling seasons. Concentrations of heavy metals in Solidago altissima L. were increased with the lapse of time. Contents of Pb, Zn and Cd in roadside subsoil were less than those in surface soil. In both soils, significant correlation was observed between concentrations of heavy metals in soils and the distance from trafic.

source:The technical bulletin of Faculty of Horticulture, Chiba University


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