

  • ザイタク サンソ リョウホウチュウ ノ マンセイ コキュウ フゼン カンジャ ガ タイケンスル スピリチュアル ペイン
  • Experiences of Spiritual Pain in Patients with Chronic Respiratory Failure Who are Receiving Home Oxygen Therapy





Purpose: The purpose of this study was to clarify the characteristics of spiritual pain experienced by patients with chronic respiratory failure who are receiving home oxygen therapy. Method: Semi-structured interview data collected from 9 patients with chronic respiratory failure were analyzed qualitatively and inductively. Verbatim records of responses to interview questions were summarized, and aggregations were formed, named, and categorized. Results: The results revealed that the spiritual pain experienced by patients with chronic respiratory failure who are receiving home oxygen therapy could be categorized as follows: <Loss of others' trust in me due to anxiety regarding the unforeseeable effects of the illness and the possibility of unexpected consequences>, <Loss of hope and purpose in life due to the prediction of a hopeless future>, <Loss of social role due to the illness and treatment, dependence on others, feeling empty about existence and the meaning of life due to decreased self-esteem>, <Sense of loss of freedom because of oxygen therapy and a lack of autonomy in physical control resulting from decreased independence with living activities>, <Search for the cause of the pain within the illness and treatment>, <Feeling that an independent life is difficult>, <Feeling anxiety and fear of death>, and <Escape from suffering and agony is the only way to remain alive>. Conclusion: In addition to providing nursing techniques for patients with chronic respiratory failure who are receiving home oxygen therapy, these results indicate that it is necessary to try to understand the patients' experiences from the perspective of spiritual pain.


群馬県立県民健康科学大学紀要 1,15-34,2006


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