D.H.ロレンスにとっての「お金」 : Pansiesからうかがえる経済状態


  • D. H. Lawrence and Money : His Economical Improvements as Seen in Pansies
  • D H ロレンス ニ トッテ ノ オカネ Pansies カラ ウカガエル ケイザイ ジョウタイ



The authors tried to show that the economical improvements followed by the successful publication and sales of Lady Chatterley's Lover lead to the gradual and important change in D.H. Lawrence's attitude towards his own economical conditions, which may even partly account for his slightly shifted world view, as seen in his later works. Mention is also made to the unpublished memos Memoranda Book, which distinctively shows how Lawrence struggled with the incoming flow of money by the sales of his most notorious novel of his day. His newly expanded income brought about significant changes to his life. Even his exodus from Britain, after the long-term confinement in the United Kingdom because of WWI, would have been impossible without additional income from his various literary activities. The change is quite well illustrated in his Pansies published in 1929, which appearstobe scatteredwithso many uses ofthe word,'money'and itsclosely relatedwords andphrasesinmanyofthepoemscontained. Someofsuchpoemsapparentlyshowthetrail of his thoughts which was changing from contemptuous to condescending ones, especially to people of all classes in the British society in his times. Contrary to the general evaluation of Pansies, the poems are found to be of great value to Lawrencian scholarship especially in the fields of his biographical incidence and poetic works.


  • 英米文化

    英米文化 37 (0), 5-23, 2007


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