「~てならない」,「~てたまらない」,「~てしかたがない」の使い分け -日本語母語話者と日本語学習者の比較-


  • テ ナラナイ テ タマラナイ テ シカタ ガ ナイ ノ ツカイワケ ニホンゴ ボゴ ワシャ ト ニホンゴ ガクシュウシャ ノ ヒカク




The purpose of this paper is to clarify the usage of “-te naranai” , “-te tamaranai” and “-te shikataganai. These three expressions are all used to express the strength of spontaneous psychological or physical feelings. To clarify the difference among these three expressions, a survey of native Japanese speakers was conducted. Survey results, made clear that native Japanese speakers consider the typical uses of these expressions to be as follows: “-te naranai” typically co-occurs with predicates such as “kigasuru” ((I) have a feeling that...) and “omoeru” (It seems (to me) that...), where the feelings occur spontaneously and the speaker cannot get them out of his or her mind; “-te tamaranai” typically co-occurs with predicates such as “sabishii” (lonely) and “urusai” (noisy), where the feelings are triggered by a psychological or physical stimulus and the speaker finds them intolerable; and lastly, “-te shikataganai” typically co-occurs with predicates such as “kininaru” (be bothered by) and “hara ga tatsu” (lose one's temper), where the feelings occur spontaneously and the speaker cannot overcome them. Next, we investigated foreign learners' usage of these expressions. Foreign learners tend to use these three expressions with predicates such as “sabishii” (hot) or “itai”, “atsui” (painful), making it clear that foreign learners use these expressions in the way that native speaker use “-te tamaranai”. The results of this study may be useful when compiling dictionaries and grammar books as well as in Japanese language teaching.





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