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  • ミヤザキケン ホクブ チイキ ニ クラス ジリツ ロウジン オヨビ ホーム ヘルプ サービス リヨウシャ ノ ショクセイカツ オヨビ ソノ カンレン コウモク ニ カンスル ジッタイ チョウサ

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This study explored the dietary habits among 261 elderly people between an average age of 75 and 80 in relation to their physical condition and illness in northern Miyazaki. Two groups were compared. One group used a home help service (HH) one group did not (NHH). Members of both groups had hypertension, pain in shoulders, back and knees. The HH group also had circulatory and internal diseases. The study found that by age 80 there was a significant deterioration in the physical condition of many elderly people in the HH group. The study focused on breakfast because it is the most important meal of the day. The study found that the breakfast in both groups tended to include high salt intake. Members of both groups used dietary supplements more often than other types of foods that were studied. The diet of the HH group, however, included more dairy products while the NHH group tended to consume more alcohol than the HH group. The study concluded that giving individual consultation, instruction and reminders about food intake, medicine, health-food diet and alcohol consumption to elderly in their early 70s may reduce the need of elderly people for home help services. The research proposes, therefore, that to be effective in preventing elderly from needing home help care service, intervention should focus on people before age 75.


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