女性や子どもの利用しやすい公共トイレのあり方に関する考察 : 東京都新宿区における公衆トイレの実態調査をもとに


  • ジョセイ ヤ コドモ ノ リヨウ シヤスイ コウキョウ トイレ ノ アリカタ ニ カンスル コウサツ トウキョウト シンジュクク ニ オケル コウシュウ トイレ ノ ジッタイ チョウサ オ モト ニ
  • Consideration concerning ideal ways of public restrooms that woman and children can use easily : Based on the investigation of actual conditions of public restrooms in Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo
  • ジョセイ ヤ コドモ ノ リヨウ シヤスイ コウキョウ トイレ ノ アリカタ ニ カンスル コウサツ





Clean public restrooms that can be used safely are in demand more than ever before. Neither women nor children can use public restrooms with ease. So, this text executes a local observation investigation of public restrooms in Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo and considers ideal ways for public restrooms in our aged society. The following were clarified by this investigation. (1) All restrooms are not dirty nor dangerous. It is necessary to review the methods of managing the restrooms. (2) There are problems with facilities and the overall poor condition of equipment in many of the dirty, restrooms. It is also assumed that it is necessary to examine the arrangement of all public restrooms based on the location characteristics to advance the improvement of the facilities equipment condition considering the use, and to review the content of the maintenance and methods.


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