Dynamic interaction among the platform domain and two membrane-proximal immunoglobulin-like domains of class 1 major histocompatibility complex: normal mode analysis


  • Dynamic Interaction among the Platform Domain and Two Membrane-Proximal Immunoglobulin-Like Domains of Class I Major Histocompatibility Complex: Normal Mode Analysis



Class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules have three domains, a platform domain and two membrane-proximal immunoglobulin-like domains, an α3 domain and a β2-immunoglobulin (β2m). To understand the dynamic interactions among the three domains, we simulated the behavior of a partial model deficient in β2m and another model deficient in the α3 domain, by normal mode analysis. As a result, the partial model deficient in β2m was more flexible in interdomain conformation than the other model. The lowest frequency modes (<2 cm−1) observed for the simulations of the partial model deficient in β2m showed clear interdomain motions as if each domain moved like a rigid body. Such low frequencies and clear interdomain motions were not observed for the simulations of the other model, therefore the interdomain flexibility of the partial model deficient in β2m may be due to the lowest frequency modes (<2 cm−1). These results suggest that β2m contributes to maintaining the interdomain conformation of class I MHC molecules more than the α3 domain does, and may offer convincing evidence to support the notion that the α3 domain and β2m do not have an equal influence on the structural stability of class I MHC molecules.


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