ムカシナガハムシ亜科とヒゲナガサルハムシ亜科(昆虫綱,鞘翅目,ハムシ科)の学名表記をめぐる論争 : 『国際動物命名規約』条29に派生する問題


  • A Recent Controversy Concerning Legitimate Scientific Names for the Subfamilies 'Aulacoscelinae' and 'Megascelinae' (Insecta, Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) : Some Problems Derived from Article 29 in the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature
  • ムカシナガハムシ アカ ト ヒゲナガサルハムシ アカ コンチュウ コウ ショウシモク ハムシカ ノ ガクメイ ヒョウキ オ メグル ロンソウ コクサイ ドウブツ メイメイ キヤク ジョウ 29 ニ ハセイ スル モンダイ



A recent controversy concerning legitimate scientific names for the subfamilies 'Aulacoscelinae' and 'Megascelinae' (Insecta, Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae), which was caused by the interpretation of Article 29 in the 4th edition of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN), was introduced with the author's comments. Dr.C.A.M. Reid asserted that the spellings of above two subfamilies are wrong grammatically and that accordingly they should be written as 'Aulacoscelidinae' and 'Megascelidinae', respectively. Dr.P.H.A. Jolivet, Dr.M. Schmitt and some of their supporters, opposed Dr.Reid's proposal based on a different interpretation of Article that was newly added to the ICZN 4th ed. This may be considered a rather simple problem resulting from the differences in interpreting the vague words "prevailing usage" in Article A general consideration of the problem leads the present author to support the assertion presented by Dr. Reid that the above two subfamilies should be hereafter written as 'Aulacoscelidinae' and 'Megascelidinae', respectively.


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