教員養成課程の教科「数学」専門科目における「証明」の扱いに関する考察 Ⅱ


  • 教員養成課程の教科「数学」専門科目における「証明」の扱いに関する考察(2)
  • キョウイン ヨウセイ カテイ ノ キョウカ スウガク センモン カモク ニ オケル ショウメイ ノ アツカイ ニ カンスル コウサツ 2
  • A consideration on the Instruction of "Proof"in the Subjects of Mathematical Contents in Mathematics Education in Teachers Training Course. Ⅱ



type:Departmental Bulletin Paper

The purpose of this series is to consider concretely the instruction of proofs in variouskinds of cases in the subjects of mathematical contents on Mathematics Education in TeachersTraining Course in order that students who study with the aim of becoming a Mathematicsteacher in a high school may acquire the ability of well organizing the education tomeet the request of “Why” which is the most important in Mathematics as well as the educationof “How”. In the second part of this series I will consider the instruction of “Proof”in the cases of Implicit Function Theorem and Lagrange Multipliers Method on AdvancedCalculus in the subject “Introduction to Mathematical Analytics”. In the first part we discussed the case of a theorem in Higher Algebra which has essentially different variousproofs. We have a different problem in this time, that is, the composition of the lecture concerned in place of proofs itself.

identifier:滋賀大学教育学部紀要, 3, 自然科学, 第57号, pp.23-40


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