

  • コ リュウキュウキ ノ リュウキュウ オウコク ニ オケル カイセン オ メグル ショソウ
  • Several Aspects of Sea-Going Vessels of Ryukyu Kingdom in Old Ryukyu Period



I have clarified each of the following points in regard to the “sea-going vessels” that composed the basis of sea activity and cultural interaction in the Ryukyu Kingdom during the Old Ryukyu period. (1) The first sea-going vessels of Ryukyu were the Jigo-sen vessel(s) with identifi cation numbers that were built and registered during the Ming Dynasty. It can be said that the growth that is visible in the scale of the sea-going vessels in the middle of the 15th century and then their miniaturization in the first part of the 16th century are phenomena that both indicate the uniqueness of Ryukyu. (2) The Han’ in Kango tally that was issued along with the dispatch of Ryukyu sea-going vessels is something that runs through the East Asian sea region during that age. Furthermore, by tracing back those numbers, I have presented the concrete circumstances behind the dispatch of Ryukyu sea-going vessels. (3) Ryukyu sea-going vessels were named in the respective fashions of China, Japan, and Ryukyu and their operating organizations were diverted to the Hiki land-based organizations, which had a major influence on the establishment of the system of governance in the Ryukyu Kingdom.


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