手話通訳者および手話学習者が捉えるコミュニケーション行為の認識 : 手話に関する調査に基づいた現状と課題から


  • シュワ ツウヤクシャ オヨビ シュワ ガクシュウシャ ガ トラエル コミュニケーション コウイ ノ ニンシキ シュワ ニ カンスル チョウサ ニ モトズイタ ゲンジョウ ト カダイ カラ



This study aims to investigate both what sign language learners' understand and what interpreters understand through sign language. We have two investigations: one is of students who have finished the sign language class and the other is of sign language interpreters who are taking care of deaf people. 97.0% of students have personal reasons for taking the sign language class at school and 92.7% of students had already recognized the usefulness of learning sign language for their future job. They hope to use sign language in health, medical and social welfare areas in the near future. Sign language interpreters would like the learners to learn, not only sign language, but also the difficulties deaf people face in their daily life, their history and their way of communicating. They would like the students to communicate with deaf people in order to understand their situation. In this research, we discovered that every sign language interpreter thought there were few sign language interpreters in Aomori, and they hope to spread recognition of the usefulness of sign language for communicating with deaf people.



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