成人教育の現状と課題 : 生涯教育の見地からのアプローチ


  • セイジン キョウイク ノ ゲンジョウ ト カダイ ショウガイ キョウイク ノ




Life long integrated education is a new concept in the world of education, which has rapidly become a topic of common interest in Japanese society as a whole since 1970. The concept of life long integrated education has cast light on adult education which has been in poor circumstances and, is on the wane. This paper attempts to observe the present situation of education through the results of a survey taken at Sapporo City, and to seek for future perspectives of adult education under the idea of life long integrated education.  From the survey, we can conclude that the role of adult education should not be set within the limits of making up for the deficiency of formal education. There is a strong desire for learning, especially for higher education like university level studies. Some want universities to open only the library, gymnasium and other facilities to them, but most want systematized knowledge that is provided only for regular students at the present time. They also ask for special treatment for entrance examination and employment after graduation. From this point, the demands of adults are still far. from being satisfied. It is clear that social changes around universities call for them not to be isolated from the community with their doors shut to adults, but to provide opportunities for university education for them.  Two proposals to be carried out in adult education in the future are as follows: 1] we should regard the problem of the"open university" as a problem of the continuing process of post-secondary education, establishing a new relationship with the community. All educational institutions after high school, that is, university, college, technical school and so on, should be considered when we think of the "open university." 2] Information center to provide bibliography, data, information and other materials about learning, etc. to the learners should be established. This will enable them to study at their own pace and make their study more profitable.  We understend that the traditional concept of education is no longer able to meet the needs of the society and the individual. Then, the essence of the educational problem at present is precisely the problem of that concept. Therefore, first of all, we have to change our value concept concerning education before applying the above proposals. The concept of life long integrated education that claims to distribute education over the lifespan of each individual will define our goal.


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