3107 APS方式における未確定受注が生産効率に及ぼす影響の解析 : 加工・組立型工場における実験(OS3-1 生産システムの管理)


  • 3107 Effect Analysis of Unconfirmed Orders for Productivity under APS System : Experiments with Assembly Type Factory


In the recent years, consumers' demands are diversifying rapidly and complexly. In order to deal with the fluctuation of such consumers' demands effectively, manufacturers compose production planning and production scheduling by taking unconfirmed orders into consideration. Due to the difficulty of estimating consumers' demands, estimation errors occur when the unconfirmed orders become confirmed orders. Thus, it is important to understand how the estimation errors affect on the productivity in target manufacturing systems. In this paper, we mount an APS system on a Distributed Virtual Factory (DVF) which is modeled as an assembly type factory. The effects of the unconfirmed orders are observed from variety of viewpoint including product cost through experiments with the DVF.


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