

  • The Current State of and Issues in School Mathematics : A Mathematical-Literacy Perspective
  • 今日的数学的リテラシー論からみた学校数学の現状と課題
  • コンニチテキ スウガクテキ リテラシーロン カラ ミタ ガッコウ スウガク ノ ゲンジョウ ト カダイ



This paper examines the current state of and issues in school mathematics in Japan through discussion of the significance and implications of the OECD/PISA assessment framework of mathematical literacy. Within the PISA framework of mathematical literacy, test items are usually contextualized, and demand that students reason and make relevant connections between their understanding and the situations they are presented with as "real-world" problems. The items in the PISA assessment of mathematical literacy focus on the students' mathematical ability to analyze situations in a variety of overarching mathematical ideas involving quantity, space and shape, change and relationships, and uncertainty. PISA also categorizes assessment items according to various mathematical competencies or processes. The six competencies, in particular, reasoning and argumentation; communication; modeling; problem solving; representation; and symbols and formalism are core sets of skills students must call upon in order to turn a contextualized problem into a problem that can be solved using mathematics. When we examine the goals and content of mathematic curriculum in Japan from all three dimensions, namely, contexts, overarching mathematical ideas, and competencies, it is suggested that more emphasis on the processes in mathematical activities are needed as goals of school mathematics, in the assessment of students' learning, and teaching and learning in the classroom. Also, the importance of problems in "intra-mathematics" contexts as well as in realistic and day-to-day situations is stressed.


  • 科学教育研究

    科学教育研究 32 (4), 321-329, 2008

    一般社団法人 日本科学教育学会

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