東京農業大学厚木キャンパス(神奈川県)における早春植物ニリンソウ(Anemone flaccida Fr. Schm.)の季節消長とその生育環境


  • Phenology and Habitat of the Spring Ephemeral Herb, Anemone flaccida Fr. Schm. (Ranunculaceae) on the Atsugi Campus, Tokyo University of Agriculture
  • トウキョウノウギョウダイガクアツギキャンパス カナガワケン ニ オケル ソウシュン ショクブツ ニリンソウ ANEMONE FLACCIDA FR. SCHM. ノ キセツショウチョウ ト ソノ セイイクカンキョウ




Anemone flaccida Fr. Schm. (Ranunculaceae) is perennial, woodland spring ephemeral. The phenology and habitat of A. flaccida on the Atsugi Campus, Tokyo University of Agriculture, was investigated. In Anemone flaccida the aerial parts and radical buds started to develop on the rhizome on 6 February. The radical leaves expanded and bore two flower buds in mid March before full closure of the overstory canopy. The first flower opened on 27 March and the second one from 6 April. Leaf expansion was completed on 16 April when the achenes dropped from the first flower. The first sign of yellowing of the leaves was observed on 28 April, after full closure of the overstory canopy. The aerial parts withered in mid May. The growing period of A. flaccida on the campus was about three months. Anemone flaccida grows in secondary deciduous forests of Quercus acutissima and Q. serrata. Therefore, the relative light intensity on the forest floor was 45% or more greater before full closure of the overstory canopy. The forest floor was covered with four cm leaf litter. The rhizomes of A. flaccida extended down to a depth of two cm below ground level, while some were exposed at ground level. Conservation of A. flaccida can therefore be enhanced by careful management of light conditions and leaf litter on the forest floor.







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