広告と消費者心理 : 単純接触効果による安心感とノスタルジア(消費者心理を科学する-認知心理学と行動経済学の接点-,2008年度第2回フォーラム)


  • Advertisement and consumer behavior : Sense of safety and nostalgia by mere exposure effect(The science of the consumer mind -Where cognitive psychology meets behavioral economics-,Forum)
  • 講演論文 広告と消費者心理--単純接触効果による安心感とノスタルジア
  • コウエン ロンブン コウコク ト ショウヒシャ シンリ タンジュン セッショク コウカ ニ ヨル アンシンカン ト ノスタルジア



In several studies, we used surveys and experimental methods to investigate the factors evoking consumers' sense of safety and feelings of nostalgia in relation to the mere exposure effect in consumer's ad processing. The first series of studies revealed that the frequent repetition of an ad increased familiarity, liking as well as the sense of safety of a product by mere exposure effect. However, prior risk information about the products suppressed those effects. The second series of studies found that nostalgia occurs in response to events that had a long time lag after having frequent repetition in the past. We found five steps of nostalgic ad processing using a structural equation modeling: (1) nostalgic predisposition, (2) perception of nostalgic triggers, (3) retrieval of past events and ad memory, (4) familiarity and positive mood on ad, and (5) intention of purchase. Finally, we discuss the function of nostalgia based on experiments of source monitoring and emotion associative memory using auditory or visual ad stimuli.


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